OccaSee 2.6 banner examples of new features
OccaSee 2.6 banner examples of new features

With OccaSee 2.5 we made a big step towards Supply Chain Visibility. However we found that there was still room for improvement. Therefore we are most proud to announce the release of the next big step – OccaSee 2.6! Important features have been added to our software, and some of our functionality has been enhanced with new features.

Let’s pick out a few examples:

  • We have added a summary view, where you can find your planning on a aggregated level, showing you exactly how much of a material you will produce or consume on a resource over a period in time. This information is presented to you in a clear overview, which is, as you would expect from OccaSee, customizable and exportable.


  • We have improved the look and feel of the inventory graph in OccaSee, now allowing you to scroll and navigate to each moment in future to check the predicted inventory levels. For reference you can apply an inventory strategy, so OccaSee will show you if the predicted level is within the boundaries that you desire.


  • We have added a dynamic time filter, to allow a gliding window on the planning without ever having to touch the definition of the bookmark, thus simplifying the use of OccaSee in the daily operation even further.


  • We have added a find-in-Gantt function for batches, to allow navigation from the table view into the Gantt, but also from the detail view.
more mobile functionality

The mobile app has gained more functionality. We are now able not only to show the planning, but also the bill-of-material, notifications and remarks.

Naturally these are only a few examples of the new features and enhancements. To find out more, please don’t hesitate to contact us, and we will be happy to show you around in OccaSee 2.6!

Peter Eijgenraam
CEO Occator B.V

get in touch to find out what OccaSee can do for your company!
get in touch to find out what OccaSee can do for your company!

+31 (0) 15 2155 684

Hoornseweg 3, Den Hoorn The Netherlands, 2635 CM

If you are interested and would like to request a demo, or simply have additional questions, do not hesitate to contact us using the form below!

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