Planning Related Information


OccaSee provides instant access to detailed information
to make your production panning even more effective.

The advantages of this exceptional feature include access to real-time information, graphical Inventory view on projected inventory levels, and verification of current Bill of Material and components to be used. All of this help to take your production panning process to the next level of efficiency and reliableness.

Views are available for:

  • production order details
  • product details
  • graphical inventory view of products and materials
  • bill of material
  • production progress

Screenshots of how the various view-ports are displayed within the program.

Updating The Production Plan


OccaSee can be linked with other systems, such as MES/ERP in order to automatically update, when changes are made

Production progress at a glance
OccaSee provides a visual overview of your production planning’s status. Easy identifiable whether production lines are running as planned, falling behind or are ahead of plan. OccaSee gives you information on the current production performance at a single glance.

Manual booking
By clicking on a production batch you enter the process batch details. Here you can, if authorized to do so, process production bookings to keep all stakeholders up-to-date. Automatically alerted by OccaSee’s Notification, an authorized supervisor can check and confirm any discrepancies  in the current Bill of Material, and so OccaSee is automatically updated with the current information.